Far From The Fool!

19 Oct '22

Far From The Fool!

Far From The Fool!

Finding new ways to expand your brand and products can present challenges for many brands, particularly when entering into territories your brand may not usually try.

Subway found a clever way to test the market with a new product line by using a popular event like April Fools Day. This provided Subway with an opportunity to have a joke about their offering in a comedic way, whether that is teasing the audience about a product that doesn't exist or by poking fun at themselves to increase brand awareness.

In this case however, April Fools can be a great way to test a new product to your market, before you make it a reality. In April 2022, Subway jokingly teased the release of the 'Subdog', a new hotdog product from the well-known sandwich shack. However, this isn't where the campaign ends. In September 2022, Subway then announced the release of the Subdog which is now a 'real' product available in Subway stores!

Testing the customers response to a new product with a 'fake promo' on April Fools Day, has allowed Subway to evaluate whether releasing a new product long-term is right for their brand. At best, April Fools Day can help you decide to release a new product, at worst, it's a fun and engaging way to connect with your audience, generate online and in-store buzz with an unusual or unexpected offering.

How could your brand harness the power of an April Fools product release or another know event day and not have the joke on you? Let's find out together.