Woolworths Brings it Home with its Christmas Campaign
You may have seen the latest Woolworths "street party" campaign on TV?
It features an Australia neighbourhood street gathering for a shared Christmans celebration, and continues to deliver the key messaging 'that's why I pick Woolies"
"The power of a genuine brand platform is that you can continue with your key messaging and stretch it to connect with a current event, like Christmas.
You don't need to start again simply because it's the festive season. Instead they have built on their key messaging, 'that's why I pick Woolies' by adding two words - 'for Christmas'.
The TVC launched in November and will be supported through all of their other marketing channels over the festive season.

We can help you with your key messaging and ensure you can build on it. If you would like to bring your business to life and really connect with your customers, give us a call today, and let’s get this started. Call us today 02 6761 2222