How to become better attuned to the evolving needs of our customers

6 Oct '20

How to become better attuned to the evolving needs of our customers

Have you noticed your customers needs are changing?

Are you left wondering where to focus your efforts to generate customer relationships in a challenging economic environment?

So, did you answer yes to these?

The most successful companies keep their customers – not products – at the heart of everything they do, meaning every decision or ambition aims to improve their customer experience.

Do you know what your customer experience looks like?

This starts right at the beginning when your customer first experiences your brand online, and if your doing this correctly your social media insights will highlight customer behaviours and from, this you can craft your desired customer journey.  
Tapping into that data could be as simple as surveying your existing customer base, or as complicated as using natural language processing to sift through unstructured data to make it analysable and actionable.

Remember though, individual customer interactions might not give you the whole picture. The trick is to gather as much of your customer data as possible, as this is likely to provide you with better insights into the behavioural patterns of your broad customer base.


To help you, here are 3 quick things to consider:

  • Boring Brands sell products and the product features, instead of how the product benefits the customers lifestyle. Interesting companies sell experiences and lifestyles
  • Boring Brands focus on transactions instead of focusing on developing customer relationships focusing on the long term changes the way daily decisions are made.
  • Boring Brands do not learn and investigate the future and where their customers are heading

If you’re struggling in these testing times and finding it hard to keep up with all the new learnings, we are here to help you.  
Call us today: 02 6761 222