Keep Your Marketing Moving Forward
2020 is now in full swing with businesses adapting to the newest trends that are sweeping the Digital Marketing Space. To give you a kick
start, here are the biggest 2 things you need to focus on.
1. Customer Experience
We’re seeing a massive shift in beliefs about what marketing actually is. It’s no longer about trying to convince people to buy from or
work with your company. Instead, the priority has moved towards providing fantastic customer experiences that will keep people coming back
for more.
The growth of online content has given consumers more power. They are no longer a passive party when it comes to learning about products.
They’re not waiting for you to tell you how great your products are. Instead, they’re going out and doing their own research.
2. Visualisation
With the explosion of smart speakers and voice search in recent years, you’d be forgiven for thinking that “readable” content is more
important than visuals and design these days. In fact, this couldn’t be further from the truth. While advancements in voice search are
certainly influencing the way that we’ll create content now and in the future, you shouldn’t neglect visual content either.
Research still shows that people prefer visual content to plain text. You just have to look at the growth of image-focused platforms like
Instagram to see the proof of this.
How do your customers feel when they visit your website or business? We can help you create something
worth coming back to and have your customers telling others about it. Call us today: 02 6761 2222